鹰健康 fosters the abilities of all students to achieve optimal health and well-being by providing and promoting wellness programs and strategies using a collaborative approach.


Physical wellness includes recognizing and providing what your body needs for optimal health. 这个维度包括身体活动, 睡眠, 适当的营养, 以及常规的医疗服务提供者访问.

According to the American College 健康 Association National College 健康 Assessment (ACHA NCHA), CSC students get a good amount of exercise and use the facilities on and around campus to improve their physical health but 56% of students have some level of food insecurity.

资源,如全国政治行动委员会,校园 & community recreational trails, CSC 食品分发处, CSC 卫生服务, and 西区社区卫生资源 (WCHR)可供学生使用.


Emotional wellness involves the ability to express feelings, adjust to emotional challenges and cope with life's stressors. 情绪健康注重自我照顾, 自尊, 建立健康的人际关系, and understanding and navigating life’s ups and downs. Sometimes this means finding ways to manage stress levels and setting appropriate boundaries. 记住,不好也没关系. Asking for help can be the most difficult part of your emotional wellness journey but you don't have to go it alone. 

Manage emotional wellness with the help of Licensed Student Counselors or explore activities related to improving one's emotional wellness including:

  • 参加体育活动来改善你的情绪
  • 获得高质量的睡眠
  • 花时间在户外
  • 练习瑜伽或正念
  • 听听音乐或你最喜欢的播客
  • 赞美某人
  • 找时间做让自己开心的事


Social wellness refers to our ability to interact successfully in our global community and to live up to the expectations and demands of our personal roles. 这意味着要学习良好的沟通技巧, 发展与他人的亲密关系, and creating a support network of friends and family members. Social wellness includes showing respect for others and yourself, contributing to your community and to the world to cultivate a sense of belonging.

Consider the following for improving your social wellness:

  • 参加校园社团或委员会
  • 参加体育赛事
  • 下载 CSC Eagle奖励应用程序 随时了解校园活动
  • 向同学介绍自己
  • Attend group fitness classes or join an intramural team


Spiritual wellness involves exploring and developing a set of guiding beliefs, 原则, or values that help give direction to one’s life. It encompasses commitment to your individual beliefs that provide a sense of meaning and purpose. It is willingness to seek meaning and purpose in human existence, to question everything and to appreciate the things which cannot be readily explained or understood.

参与 in spiritual practices that are meaningful to you. 这可以包括:

  • 找一个礼拜的地方
  • 冥想
  • 瑜伽
  • 花时间独处
  • 日志记录
  • 亲近自然
  • Taking a values questionnaire to identify what drives you
  • 创造性活动


Financial wellness is how well you understand and can manage your finances. This can include budgeting, saving, and managing your income. Finances are often a major concern for college students and can be a huge source of stress if there is not enough to support your needs.

Here are ideas to help you find and practice financial wellness:

  • 参观 开始办公室 to learn and ensure you understand your financial aid
  • Educate yourself on money management and create a personal budget
  • 制定切合实际的财务目标
  • Open a savings account and contribute to it when you can
  • Pay your bills on time to help build or maintain your credit


Intellectual wellness encourages us to complete stimulating, creative mental tasks. We can exercise our minds by understanding how to learn in the classroom, engaging in conversations to challenge our viewpoint, and trying new hobbies to build knowledge and experiences. Remaining curious and exploring new ideas can foster intellectual wellness. College is a great time to explore your interests.


Truck painted in the style of Vincent van Gogh for a 首页coming parade


Occupational wellness the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure time in a way that is satisfying and financially rewarding. Occupational wellness also includes one’s ability to thrive in a work environment, 独立工作并与他人合作, and feel inspired or challenged by your career choice. If college is your full-time job right now, that's OK! You can still build your occupational wellness by:

  • Finding the right major for your career aspirations
  • Talking with your faculty advisor about future plans and how you can get there
  • Volunteering or stepping into leadership roles to add to your resume
  • Exploring internship opportunities in your chosen field of study
  • Attending your classes regularly and submitting assignments on-time


Environmental wellness includes occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being. This can include interacting in pleasant places and spaces, understanding your relationship and impact on nature and the earth, and creating a personal environment that is safe and enjoyable. 您可以通过以下方式支持您的环境健康:

  • 可回收利用
  • 使用可重复灌装的水瓶
  • 花时间在户外
  • Creating a supportive and comfortable environment you can feel safe in
  • 尽可能走路而不是开车
  • 保持你的生活空间整洁有序 
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